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SSLI Training 1: District Assessments & Online Programs

1. Which organization are you representing at this training? *This question is required.
2. Did you attend any of the trainings on oral language or phonemic awareness in 2020?  *This question is required.
3. How did you access the training on District Assessments and Online Programs? *This question is required.
4. After today's training, I have a better overall understanding of why SPS uses the assessments covered and what the scores mean *This question is required.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
5. I understand the use and scoring of DIBELS with students in Stamford Public Schools *This question is required.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
6. I understand the use and scoring of FLSA with students in Stamford Public Schools *This question is required.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
7. How would you rate your comfort accessing and using Lexia after today's training? *This question is required.
Still not comfortableVery comfortable
8. How would you rate your comfort accessing and using Symphony Math after today's training? *This question is required.
Still not comfortableVery comfortable