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Recruiting New Webinar Speakers!

Become a Webinar Speakers!

Do you have a webinar idea you would like to share with your peers?  We invite all public sector human resources practitioners to submit a proposal.  This is a volunteer opportunity and proposal submission is not a guarantee of selection.  PSHRA certified practitioners can earn two recertification points per webinar. 

If you would like to sponsor a webinar (company or consultant), please request our Webinar Sponsorship Prospectus or contact us at

Call for Proposals:

PSHRA seeks experienced practitioners with proven skills in speaking and engaging audience participants. We strive to offer a balanced program of educational sessions. PSHRA aims to provide its members with real-world insights, techniques, and methodologies of Human Resource Management in the public sector.

Suggested Webinar Topics: Virtual HR, Workforce and Succession Planning, Training and Employee Development, Supporting Employee Mental Health and Well-Being and Disability Accommodations, Performance Management, Essential HR, Roles & Functions, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Outreach Programs, Data Collection, Financial Wellness, FMLA, Microaggression, Public Sector HR Culture, Highlighting Cultural Awareness in the Public Sector (i.e. Black History Month and other Heritage Months), Investigations or a topic of your own design.

The proposal will ask for the following:
  • Webinar Summary
  • Learning Objective
  • Webinar Types (Live/Micro/Pre-Recorded)
  • Presenter and Co-Presenter Information
  • Biography/Photo
  • Comments