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ARK Alliance Survey

ARK Alliance Survey

The purpose of this survey is to help the ARK Alliance do an evaluation of ARK community interests, which will be used to help set our priorities.


1. Contact information.  This will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose of clarifying or expanding on the survey responses you provide. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Are you answering this survey on behalf of your organization or speaking only for yourself?
If you are not able to answer this survey on behalf of your organization, go ahead and complete the survey yourself, but also please forward the survey link to someone who can represent the views of the organization as a whole.
5. Please estimate how many people in your organization (department/group/division) are interested in or already use ARKs? *This question is required.
6. Does your organization currently assign ARKs? *This question is required.
Does your organization run its own ARK resolver? *This question is required.
7. Is your organization currently a member of LYRASIS? *This question is required.

The ARK Alliance would like to ask current and potential ARK users for input on how we should target our efforts. From previous feedback, we identified the possibilities shown below. Please rank these in priority order (1=highest) from your perspective.

  *This question is required. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.

Of these choices, which ones would you (on behalf of your organization) be willing to contribute effort or funding to achieve?

Would you contribute effort? Would you contribute funding?
Effort to coordinate the activities of the newly forming ARK community and provide policy, governance, sustainability and administrative support
Running a consortial ARK infrastructure based on open source ARK resolver and management software (similar to, on behalf of the ARK community
Open source development of an ARK management application (similar to
Effort to catalog what ARKs are being used to identify
Open source development of ARK resolver software (next generation of NOID &
Effort to promote ARK understanding and usage