This application is for Water Supply and Storage Company (WSSC) raw water rentals.
Rental requests will be accepted between Feb. 1 - March 7.
The Fort Collins Utilities’ WSSC share rental rate for 2025 is $4,420/share. This is 130% of the WSSC assessment rate of $3,400/share for the 2025 season.
If you secure water elsewhere AFTER submitting your request with Utilities, please contact us so we can remove your name from our lottery.
There are a limited number of shares available. Utilities will perform its lottery Wed., March 12, 2025. Participants will be notified by 5 p.m. the next day and will receive an invoice at that time. Payments are due 20 days from invoice date. Failure to pay by the due date will result in forfeiture of the rental.
Questions? Contact, 970-416-2409 or V/TDD 711.