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OMF South Survey Jan 2021 - 077-032-001

Contact information (optional)

If you’d like us to notify you that we’ve included and responded to your comment in the Final EIS, please include your contact information.

About you (optional)

Would you like to answer some demographic questions?

Including information about yourself will help Sound Transit better understand if we are engaging a population that is representative of the community.
What is your age?
What is your gender identity?
Do you identify yourself as Hispanic or Latinx?
Do you identify yourself as (Please check all that apply)
What languages are regularly spoken in your home? (Please check all that apply)
If you speak a language other than English, how well do you speak English?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Which accommodations do you require?
How many people are in your household (including yourself)? (Choose one)
What is your household’s total annual earnings?