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2021 People Powered Day of Action Sign Up Form


2021 is a pivotal year for our democracy. State legislatures will receive Census data and begin the process to draw new district lines.  

We know that when the public is involved in the redistricting process, we achieve fairer maps. 

Thanks to the incredible on-the-ground organizers in communities across the country, we have seen historic rates of civic engagement – particularly within the last year. Now is our opportunity to capitalize on this energy, reach new people, and keep them engaged in the redistricting process—which is critical follow up that’s needed to make sure voices are heard. 

On April 29, 2021, in collaboration with partner organizations, the League of Women Voters will host events around the country to shine a light on redistricting. Given that fair maps depend on the input of the public, we know that no one organization or one person has the solution for fair maps –making collaboration with community leaders and organizational partners necessary for impactful events. 
We are asking you to fill out this short survey to give us basic information in the lead up to the People Powered Day of Action so we know how to best support members in the field, inform resource production, and build out our webpage to publicize events. 

This survey will be open from January 28th – April 10th. In this period, we will be assessing and tallying activities.  
Following the People Powered Day of Action, we will collect information to report out our League accomplishments through a post-survey. The post-survey will be open from April 20th-May 14th. We want to be able to effectively share our impact, so be sure to track your work and be prepared to tell us:  
1. How many people were reached through in-person activities (such as rallies, forums, panel discussions),  
2. Total number of people reached online,  
3. How many times were your efforts covered in the media,  
4. How many volunteers you recruited, and 
5. Partners that you collaborated with 
To best prepare, start setting your goals now!  
By May 15th, we will be able to provide a top-line report out of activities and impact and on May 25th we will host a community call so people can share out their day of action experiences! 

Don’t hesitate to reach out should any questions arise!

1. Your Information (If you do not know your League ID please click here to find it).  *This question is required.
2. *Please select your People Powered Day of Action activity from the list below (select all that apply). 

You may refer to this sample list of activities.