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Check Out Colorado State Parks

If you were able to use the state parks pass during the time you checked it out, please take a minute to share your opinions with us about your experience. Your feedback will help us sustain and improve the program!

También puedes tomar esta encuesta en español:  

Which state park did you visit?
1. Is this your first visit to a Colorado state park?
2. Did you participate in any of the following activities during your visit? (Please check all that apply.)
3. Overall, how satisfied were you with your Check Out Colorado State Parks experience?
Very SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNeutralSomewhat UnsatisfiedVery Unsatisfied
4. Based on your experience with Colorado State Parks, how likely are you to...
Space Cell Very likely - 5432Not at all Likely - 1
A. Recommend a visit to a state park
B. Buy a day pass to visit a state park
C. Buy an annual pass to state parks
5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Space Cell Strongly Agree - 5432Strongly Disagree - 1
A. This park experience helped me/us to learn more about nature
B. The Check Out Colorado State Parks program changed my view about what libraries have to offer