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eLearning Parent of Under Fives Water Safety 2021

e Learning Parent of Under Fives Water Safety Survey

1. Are you? *This question is required.
2. What ethnicity do you predominantly identify with? *This question is required.
3. Tick the box that best reflects your opinion on the following statements: *This question is required.
Space Cell AgreeDisagree
Under fives drown because they haven’t learnt to swim.
Homeowners should not have to fence their pools if they don’t have children.
You should always be within arm’s reach of your child under five when they are playing in a pool.
The earlier children learn to swim, the safer they will be.
Swimming lessons are the best way to prevent your under five from drowning.
My under five’s swimming competence means they don’t need to wear a lifejacket when fishing on a wharf.
Most under five drownings happen when toddlers find access to a swimming pool on someone else’s property.
At home, it is not possible to constantly supervise under fives around water.
All parents of young children should know how to do child CPR in case of an emergency.
It is better to develop under five’s water competence than rely on adult supervision to prevent drowning.
At a poolside social gathering, I am happy to let any of the adults be responsible for my under five in the water.
At a public pool or surf beach, the lifeguards are the best people to supervise my child under five.
Any child sized lifejacket is better than none, for my child under five.
Under fives can learn to save themselves if they fall in the water.
4. What do you think are the two most important reasons for teaching your child water safety? Give stars to two responses only, two stars for the most important, and one star for your second choice.
Space Cell Column 1
Social development
Learning to swim
5. What would be the two most important achievements for teaching your child water safety? Give stars to two responses only, two stars for the most important, and one star for your second choice.
Space Cell Column 1
Enjoy the water
Be confident in the water
Able to float on tummy
Able to float on back
Able to surface and tread water
Able to swim across pool
6. How often do you do family aquatic recreation in the summer? *This question is required.
7. Where do you do this activity? *This question is required.