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Call for Resident Perspectives: Quality of Care in Nursing Homes

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine's Committee on the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes is inviting residents, families, and nursing home workers to share their stories, thoughts, and ideas about nursing home care.

For more information about the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes study, please visit the project website.
The National Academies will list all written submissions in a Public Access File (PAF) established for the Committee. These submissions will be made available to the public upon request.  If you prefer that personally identifiable details are not be included in the PAF, you must not include your name, contact information, or other such specifics in your comments. Your e-mail address will not be made available to the Committee or retained by the National Academies.
2. May we contact you via the e-mail address you submitted above for more information? *This question is required.
5. Are you a nursing home resident, family member, or nursing home worker?
7. In order to share your experience with the Committee, we need to put your submission into a public access file. How would you like your submission to be identified? If you would not like your submission to be put into the public access file, we are unable to share your response with the Committee. Nonetheless, we value all submissions and greatly appreciate the time you have taken to complete the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes Call for Resident Perspectives. *This question is required.