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Organizational Capacity to Measure Outcomes

This self-assessment is intended to help your organization identify the resources, ability, and culture that are needed to successfully evaluate your program or organizational outcomes.

You will be asked to respond to 21 statements about your organization and its human resources, data culture, data management, and accountability for measuring your outcomes. 

Upon completion, if you choose to provide your email, you will receive a score for each subdomain and overall, as well as resources to help you and your organization develop capacity in each area.


For each statement select the extent to which it describes your organization. You may choose to complete this on your own or as a group of colleagues who represent a variety of positions and perspectives within the organization.

There is space to provide reflections on the questions. You could describe: 
  • What you were thinking as you completed the questions
  • Why you chose the answers you did
  • Action items that come to mind