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TruLab Industry Survey - Sample Managers

Thank you for participating in our survey! Here are a few instructions before you begin:
  • Please complete by March 1, 2021.

  • This should take 15 minutes to fill out.

  • All answers will be kept confidential and anonymous.

2. On average, what percentage of all biological samples collected in a late-stage clinical trial (Ph2, Ph3, Ph4) are unusable (lost, switched, out of window, thawed, etc.)? *This question is required.
3. Where do most of the issues occur that result in unusable samples? *This question is required.
4. How do you (as a sponsor) track and monitor biological samples from end-to end: (collection at the site, shipping/receiving, status of analysis, and final storage/destruction)? Mark which is most typical for your clinical trials. *This question is required.
5. When there is a need to locate a specific biological sample, which approach do you typically use to find the sample?  Mark which approach is most typical. *This question is required.