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I-20 Reprint Request

Student Information

This form is for international students (F-1 visa holders) to request the International Student Office to reprint their I-20s. 
1. Choose a language to view this form. 
Please input your current phone number you are using the U.S. 
Please input your current phone number you are using the U.S. 미국에서 본인이 사용하는 전화번호를 적어주십시오.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please input your current residential address in the U.S. :: (If your address has changed since the last update, please complete the CHANGE OF ADDRESS form.) 
Please input your current residential address in the U.S. 미국 거주 주소를 기입하십시오. :: (If your address has changed since the last update, please complete the CHANGE OF ADDRESS form. 주소가 변경되었으면 CHANGE OF ADDRESS form을 작성해 주십시오)
Please select your current Degree/Program at Central. 
Please select your current Degree/Program at Central. 센트럴에서 공부하고 계신 프로그램 명을 선택해 주십시오.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
The student ID # can be found in Populi under the Student tab in your profile.  This question requires a valid number format.
The student ID # can be found in Populi under the Student tab in your profile. (학생 아이디 번호는 학생증이나 Populi의 'My Profile' 에 있습니다) This question requires a valid number format.
The SEVIS ID can be found in the top left corner of your I-20 document. 
The SEVIS ID can be found in the top left corner of your I-20 document. (SEVIS 번호는 I-20 왼쪽 상단에 있습니다)
Please select the reason you need a re-printed I-20.  (NOTE: Student addresses are not printed on I-20 records.  A reprinted I-20 is not needed for a change of address.  Further, if you are traveling you do not need to complete this form.  Instead please complete the Notification of Overseas Travel form.)

I-20를 재발급 받으셔야 하는 이유를 알려 주십시오. (주의: 학생의 거주 주소는 I-20에 명시되지 않습니다. I-20 재발급은 주소 변경시 필요하지 않습니다. 미국 외로 여행을 가실 경우에도 I-20 재발급은 필요하지 않으니 해외여행 시에는 I-20 재발급 신청서가 아닌 해외여행신고서를 작성해주십시오.) *This question is required.
Please select the reason you need a re-printed I-20.  (NOTE: Student addresses are not printed on I-20 records.  A reprinted I-20 is not needed for a change of address.  Further, if you are traveling you do not need to complete this form.  Instead please complete the Notification of Overseas Travel form.) *This question is required.
Student Signature *This question is required.

Signature of
Student Signature  학생 서명 *This question is required.

주소, 재직상황 등 어떠한 변화가 있으면 USCIS의 규제사항을 준수하기 위해 해당변경사항을 센트럴의 국제학생담당자에게 10일 안에 보고하는 책임이 나에게 있음을 이해합니다. 
Signature of