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MAH Advances in Hand Surgery 2021 - Online

1. How would you rate Advances in Hand Surgery 2021 overall? *This question is required.
5 (excellent)4321 (poor)
2. How did you hear about the conference? *This question is required.
3. Which factors caused you to book on to the conference? *This question is required.
4. How would you rate each aspect of the conference? 5 (excellent) and 1 (poor) *This question is required.
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Conference aimed at the appropriate level?
Conference content - was it relevant and effective?
Pre-conference administration and organisation
Quality of the broadcast (audio/video)
Management of the live stream
5. Did the conference meet your expectations? *This question is required.
7. Do you think there should be a 2nd National: Advances in Hand Surgery conference? *This question is required.
8. Would you recommend MA Healthcare Conferences to your colleagues? *This question is required.
12. How would you rate Day 1 of Advances in Hand Surgery 2021? *This question is required.
1 (poor)2345 (excellent)
13. How would you rate Day 2 of Advances in Hand Surgery 2021? *This question is required.
1 (poor)2345 (excellent)
14. How would you rate Day 3 of Advances in Hand Surgery 2021? *This question is required.
1 (poor)2345 (excellent)
15. Did you experience any technical issues during the conference? *This question is required.
Please rate the webinars (both presenting style and topic): SCORE: 5 (excellent) 4 3 2 1 (poor)
17. Professor Simon Kay OBE: Hand transplantation: where we are now and where we hope to be
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Presenting Style
18. Ms Shamim Umarji: Wrist fractures – why still the debate? Impact of COVID
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Presenting Style
19. Mr Mike Hayton: WALANT surgery: a best practice update
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Presenting Style
20. Professor Grey Giddins: Innovations in joint replacements and implants
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Presenting Style
21. Ms Sonja Cerovac & Mr Rob Miller: Preventing and managing tendon re-ruptures
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Presenting Style
22. Mr Rouin Amirfeyz: The challenges of managing hand infection
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Presenting Style
23. Sharon Gillespie: Acute complex regional pain syndrome: recognition, prevention and early intervention
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Presenting Style
24. Professor Jagdeep Nanchahal: Development of a novel therapeutic approach for early stage Dupuytren’s disease
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Presenting Style
25. Lee Griffiths: Mercian Hand Instruments
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Presenting Style
26. Pascalle Smith: Non-operative care for acute hand injury
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Presenting Style
27. Mr Maxim Horwitz: Considerations for paediatric hand surgery
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Presenting style
28. Professor David Warwick: Ensuring patient satisfaction in hand surgery
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Presenting style