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Freeze Request Form

zingfit Support is happy to provide a bulk freeze for any Contracts, Series or Series types you may have!
Please provide us with the needed information below to complete this request.
This question requires a valid email address.
Please include specific location or region if applicable
5. Please specify your request: *This question is required.
Please note: In order to continue an existing freeze, you must request the freeze extension 48 hours prior to the original end freeze date. 
Please note, this cannot be a date in the past This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
7. We understand you may have manual freezes already set up in your contracts and series.
Would you like everything you've manually frozen to be updated with this end date *This question is required.
8. What specifically would you like zingfit to freeze?  *This question is required.
Please include the exact name of the series type. If we have any questions about this series type, it may delay your freeze request! 
Please include the exact name of the Contract(s) and/or Series(s). If we have any questions about this series type, it may delay your freeze request!