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Utilizing Resources to Support Remote Instruction in Health and Physical Education

Utilizing Resources to Support Remote Instruction in Health and Physical Education

Professional Learning Series – Health and Physical Education During COVID-19
The Department has partnered with Lighthouse Wellness & Health Education Consulting to offer a series of webinars focused on supporting health and physical education teachers and administrators in delivering high quality instruction during COVID-19, whether in person, remote or hybrid. 

Use this page to register for our first session, December 2, 2020 at 3:00 PM, Utilizing Resources to Support Remote Instruction in Health and Physical Education, which will feature Sean Nevills from SHAPE America. During this one-hour webinar we will explore resources available from CDC and SHAPE America to support you in planning meaningful instructional experiences for students in your health and physical education classes. 

More details about the full series will be available soon.

Apologies to those that registered previously and did not receive confirmation/login information.  Please either email Kristen McKinnon or complete this form again and it will be sent automatically upon submission.
1. Name: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. School and District (Organization)
If you are not affiliated with a particular school, please indicate "n/a" *This question is required.
4. What is your role?
5. In which disciplines/areas of comprehensive health do you teach?  Check all that apply.
6. What grade-level(s) do you work with?  Check all that apply.
7. To the best of your knowledge, since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic has your district implemented any of the following strategies to address COVID-19?  *This question is required.
Space Cell YesNoUnsurePrefer not to answer
My district made updates to its public facilities (e.g. social distancing markers, air filtration systems)
My district has made modifications to district related organizations and activities (sports, clubs)
My district has put in place school meal pick-up/delivery programs for in person and virtual learning
My district or schools in my district provide childcare for essential workers
My district is promoting healthy behaviors to reduce the spread of COVID-19
My district has modified its schedules to reduce the number of students and staff in school building
My district uses in-person or virtual physical activity breaks
My districts has enhanced schools health services for students with chronic conditions
My district is offering additional social and emotional learning opportunities
8. To the best of your ability, how would you rate strategies your school and district used to engage all families during COVID-19?  *This question is required.
1 - No family engagement2345 - Family integration: families are involved in every step of decision making
9. To the best of your ability, how would you rate strategies your school and district used to engage community partners during COVID-19? *This question is required.
1 - There has been no engagement with community partners2345 - Our school has coordinated efforts with multiple community partners to reduce the spread of covid in our community.
This project is part of a Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Grant. We are collecting information on COVID-19 strategies being implemented in schools and districts. We will reach out to you at the end of the school year to ask the same questions. Please answer to the best of your ability.