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PRD request form

NSSME Public Release Datasets
Terms of Use Agreement

1. Please select which datasets you would like to receive. *This question is required.
By electronically signing and submitting this form to Horizon Research, Inc., you agree to the following terms of use of the National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education Public Release Datasets:
  1. You shall not share or distribute any of these datasets, or any subset of the datasets, with any individual, group, or organization.
  2. You shall not do anything with the data that would violate the promise of anonymity given to participants in this study or their rights as participants in this research study.
  3. Any publications or presentations resulting from analyses of these data shall acknowledge the National Science Foundation and Horizon Research, Inc., and include a disclaimer that states:
“These data were collected by Horizon Research, Inc. under National Science Foundation Grant Number(s) REC-9814246 (2000), DRL-1008228 (2012), and/or DGE-1642413 (2018).  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Horizon Research, Inc.”
2. Please fill out the following information, which serves as your electronic signature indicating that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.