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OPTIC Content Fellows Application - 2020-2021

This application is now closed. 
Great teaching is culturally responsive, anti-racist teaching. With this in mind, DESE is convening a group of teachers, leaders, coaches, and teacher educators to establish benchmark scores and exemplars of written feedback for teaching videos on the OPTIC platform (Online Platform for Teaching and Informed Calibration).

OPTIC is an innovative professional development tool supporting MA educators to cultivate a shared understanding of strong culturally responsive practice, standards-aligned instruction, and high-quality feedback. Using video-based observations and real-time data displays, participants engage in collaborative discussions to calibrate perceptions of practice and expectations for feedback. As content experts and skilled practitioners in culturally responsive practice, OPTIC Content Fellows will provide MA educators with important reference points as they engage in ongoing reflection and discussion about great teaching.

2020-21 OPTIC Content Fellows will have the opportunity to:
  • Connect with instructional leaders and teacher educators statewide to calibrate around high-quality practice from an anti-racist, culturally responsive lens, focusing on alignment to the Standards for Effective Practice and MA Curriculum Frameworks
  • Establish benchmark scores and exemplars of written feedback to support statewide professional development
  • Provide feedback on and support the development of a look-for tool that supports classroom observations from an anti-racist, culturally responsive lens
  • Promote high expectations and culturally responsive spaces for teaching and learning

We seek OPTIC Content Fellows who:
  • Successfully advance student growth and learning
  • Demonstrate strength in culturally responsive, anti-racist teaching practices
  • Have a deep understanding of current MA Curriculum Frameworks in ELA/Literacy or Math
  • Can provide strong feedback based on an assessment of a teacher's observable practice
In an effort to center voices from communities that have been historically marginalized in public education, we strongly encourage Black, Indigenous, and people of color and members of other historically marginalized groups to apply.

OPTIC Content Fellow Responsibilities:
All meetings and collaborative spaces will be held virtually.
Fellows will be eligible to receive 15 PDPs and a $2,000 stipend for their work.
  • Tuesday, February 2, 2021 (tentatively 3:30-6:30pm): Participate in a calibration training workshop and provide feedback on a look-for tool focused on culturally responsive practice
  • February through mid-April: Independently score and provide feedback on two sets of 3-4 videos of classroom instruction (estimated 6-8 hours of remote work in total)
  • Tuesday, March 2 and Tuesday, April 6, 2021 (tentatively 3:30-6:30pm):  Discuss and calibrate with other Content Fellows on scoring, look-fors, and exemplar feedback

To apply:

Interested educators must submit 1) a series of written or spoken short responses and 2) provide scores and feedback on a video classroom observation. Applications are due Monday, January 8th at midnight, and applicants will be notified the week of January 11th. 

Click here to download a copy of the application for reference.

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