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Intranet evaluation survey

Delta Dental Plans Association is evaluating its current intranet platform, MyDDPA, to enhance the member company user experience and improve accessibility. The following survey aims to gather insight to understand the current utilization of MyDDPA and ensure that a refreshed or new platform meets our member companies' needs. Responses are anonymous.
1. Does your company currently use an intranet platform for internal collaboration? *This question is required.
How would you rate your satisfaction with your company's intranet platform?
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied
2. How frequently do you use MyDDPA? *This question is required.
3. What is the primary reason you visit MyDDPA? *This question is required.
4. Please select the top five tools and resources you access while on MyDDPA. *This question is required.
5. How would you rate the ability to quickly and easily find the materials you need on MyDDPA? *This question is required.
Very difficultDifficultNeutralEasyVery easy
6. How often do you use pathways other than MyDDPA to access a document or tool? (e.g., email to DDPA staff)? *This question is required.
7. How often do you find the document you need in the most up-to-date format? *This question is required.
8. When navigating MyDDPA, how satisfied are you with the website layout? *This question is required.
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied
9. When navigating MyDDPA, how satisfied are you with the document organization? *This question is required.
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied
10. When navigating MyDDPA, how satisfied are you with the log-in process? *This question is required.
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied
11. When navigating MyDDPA, how satisfied are you with the content relevancy? *This question is required.
Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery satisfied
12. If you were to select one core function of the DDPA intranet, which is most important? *This question is required.
13. How important is it for a new intranet platform to be integrated with other DDPA systems you may utilize, such as National Provider File, National Data Platform, etc.? *This question is required.
Not importantSomewhat not importantNeutralSomewhat importantVery important
14. When envisioning a new intranet user experience, please rate the following components' level of importance based on your preferences. *This question is required.
Space Cell Select one option
Files accessible in folder view (e.g., desktop folder view)
Contact information for member company employees (e.g., name, title, email, phone)
Sophisticated user profiles (featuring details beyond contact information such as the ability to indicate areas of expertise (e.g., AI, data science, marketing, etc.))
Newsfeed featuring media coverage of member companies
Bulletin of updates on national programs and news
Bulletin of updates from member companies
Collaborative functionalities like public forums
Meeting calendar
Event management (registration, materials, etc.)
Committee and workgroup lists and meeting minutes
Alerts/notifications (e.g., when new items are posted)
15. How important is it to have "single sign-on" from your local member company system credentials (e.g., single sign-on between member company systems and DDPA systems)? *This question is required.
Not importantSomewhat not importantNeutralSomewhat importantVery important
16. What tools could DDPA provide to make a better introduction to the intranet for new member company staff? *This question is required.
17. Would an opt-in e-newsletter featuring new documents or content uploaded to the intranet be useful? *This question is required.
18. What cadence would you prefer for an e-newsletter? *This question is required.
20. Please indicate which employment level best represents your current role *This question is required.
21. Please indicate which department you represent at your member company *This question is required.