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The Impact of COVID-19 on Artists and Creative Workers


As an artist and creative worker, you are essential to the ongoing care and eventual recovery of our country. We’re inviting you to take this survey to share your experiences during this time of loss and uncertainty.

This survey is designed to assess the creative and social, as well as financial and professional, impact of COVID-19 on artists and creative workers across disciplines and all over the country. You will be asked to document personal impacts about a variety of life events such as mental and physical health issues, eviction, financial trouble, and familial stress and strain both prior to COVID-19’s arrival and now.

It should take 15 to 30 minutes to complete. You will be able to finish it in one sitting, but you may also save your current position and return to it later by clicking “Save and continue later” at the top of the page.

Mandatory responses are identified by an asterisk (*). If you forget to answer a mandatory question, you will receive an error message and will be required to answer the question before moving on to the next page, which you can do by click “Next” at the bottom of the page.

Some questions may be personal or upsetting. We fully appreciate the sensitivity of this information. You may skip them or quit the survey at any time. Please know that your responses are completely confidential, and your information is handled with the utmost of security and care.

This survey is not connected with any application to the Artist Relief Fund or any other funding application.

At the end, there is an optional request to share your email address so that Americans for the Arts can follow up on certain questions—those email addresses will not be shared, and will be used only to follow up on the information in this survey, unless you indicate otherwise.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any questions or feedback, please email Clay Lord at

Click the “Next” button below to get started. By clicking the “Next” button you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and give your consent to participate.