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9047 IKCS 2020

Health Care Professional Category *This question is required.
Area of Primary Clinical Focus    *This question is required.
Please rate your ABILITY to characterize the various therapies currently available for locally advanced and metastatic RCC *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 Not relevant1 Low2345 High
BEFORE this educational activity:
AFTER this educational activity:
Please rate your ABILITY to identify the novel approaches to ncRCC trial design and patient management  *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 Not relevant1 Low2345 High
BEFORE this educational activity:
AFTER this educational activity:
Please rate your KNOWLEDGE of the role of metabolism as both a driver in RCC pathogenesis and as a target in its treatment *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 Not relevant1 Low2345 High
BEFORE this educational activity:
AFTER this educational activity:
Do you intend to make changes or apply new knowledge to your practice as a result of this activity? *This question is required.
*If you answered yes or possibly considering changes, please check off what you intend to do differently or incorporate into your clinical management of patients as a result of this educational activity.
Did this activity provide knowledge or skill/strategies that fulfilled your educational need? *This question is required.
Did this activity demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to applying new skills/strategies in your practice, particularly related to your role on the healthcare team? *This question is required.
Was this activity scientifically sound and free of commercial bias or influence?  *This question is required.
Was the format of this educational activity appropriate for the content presented?  *This question is required.