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HHQ V4.0 - Based on: Hypermobility and Hypermobility Syndrome Questionnaire (HHQ) by Deane J., Keer R, & Simmonds J. 2008

Consent to participate

Before completing the questionnaire, you should have read the participant information form explaining your role and the full objectives and aims of the study.
By providing consent, you agree that:
  • You are contributing information to the study to the best of your knowledge.
  • You understand that you can withdraw from this study without completing the questionnaire at any time and without any prejudice by simply closing the browser tab.
  • All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential.
  • Once completed and submitted the questionnaire cannot be withdrawn as responses cannot be traced to participants.
  • The data generated will be used in the process of analysis and may be retained for secondary studies
1. Do you consent to participate in the study? By clicking Yes, you acknowledge that you have read through all of the information and agree to participate in the study, with the knowledge you can withdraw at any time: *This question is required.