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TorchStar Education welcomes you to AHEPPP 2020.  This survey explores the Magic of Family Engagement. Turn five minutes of your time into a chance to win a $50 gift card from Amazon! Then schedule an appointment to meet with to discuss your survey results.
1. Please indicate how you gather information from parents/families on the following topics:
Space Cell Formal assessmentInformal feedbackNone at this time
Parent/family programs and services
Number of contacts to parent/family office
Campus resources most important to families
Topics of communication most important to families
Recruitment factors that influence family/student choice
Parent/family perceptions of programs and services that support student success
Parent/family perspectives about campus life
Parent/family philanthropic willingness and ability to give
Parent/family overall perception of your institution
2. How would you describe your communication efforts with parents
3. Which of the following units does your parent/family program work with regularly (select all that apply)