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Public Library Access to Electronic Resources: IFLA Survey

In order to build understanding of the experience of public and community libraries in acquiring and giving access to digital content, in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Libraries Section and IFLA HQ have worked together to develop this survey.

The questions primarily focus on four types of digital content – eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines and other databases. Core questions can be answered by selecting options from drop-down menus, although there is scope to share more information about your experiences through text boxes. No questions are obligatory.

Your answers will help identify areas where IFLA can focus advocacy or further research efforts in future, at a global level, and should complement work being undertaken by other associations. The results will be compiled into a report for publication, and only IFLA HQ and the Section leadership will have access to full results.

Your answers would be appreciated by 15 November.
1. In what capacity are you answering this survey?
What type of institution is this, or what type of institution is most common in your network?
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning libraries in your country in general?