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Perinatal Quality Collaborative of North Carolina

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PQCNC clOUDi Success in Quality Survey

3. Most members of our QI team have worked on improvement projects before *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
4. The QI team members have diverse professional backgrounds and experiences *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
5. There is a physician actively participating on this QI team *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
6. At least one member of the QI team is an authority on the outcome, process, or system being changed in this project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
7. The QI team leader is an ongoing "presence" in this team--someone who is readily available *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
8. Most members of my QI Team have a chance to participate in decision making *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
9. We appreciate and build on our individual differences *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
10. The contribution of every group member is listened to and considered *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
11. Our QI team applies enough knowledge and skill to get the work done well *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
12. We like to consider a lot of different ideas before making a decision *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
13. Our QI team works hard enough to get the task done well *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
14. QI team members agree on the projects overall goals *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
15. The overall goals of the project guide the activities of QI project team members *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
16. Members of my QI team behave as they are expected to *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
17. All of the QI project team members are committed to the same project goals *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
18. Our QI team effectively uses improvement methods (e.g., Plan-Do-Study-Act [PDSA] cycles, run charts, control charts) to make changes *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
19. Members of our QI team were familiar with each other before they began working on this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
20. Microsystem leaders personally facilitate this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
21. The microsystem values teamwork, communication, and a commitment to quality improvement *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
22. Microsystem staff who are not members of the QI team are effective at using QI methods for change *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
23. Microsystem staff who are not members of the QI team have a strong desire to improve performance in the area of focus of this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
24. Existing information systems allow us to easily pull data specifically needed for this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
25. Our QI team has adequate financial support, resources, and time to meet the aims of this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
26. The senior executives in my organization are directly involved in quality improvement activities *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
27. At least one specific senior executive in my organization specifically supports this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
28. This organization places no value on quality improvement *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
29. Quality improvement is thoroughly integrated in this organization *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
30. Staff are given education and training in how to identify and act on quality improvement opportunities *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
31. Staff are given education and training in statistical and other quantitative methods that support quality improvement *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
32. Staff are given the needed education and training to improve job skills and performance *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
33. Staff are rewarded and recognized (e.g., financially and/or otherwise) for improving quality *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
34. This QI project is directly aligned with the organization's key strategic goals *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
35. Pressures or incentives from outside my organization motivated us to undertake this specific QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
36. Groups external to my organization (e.g., associations, institutes, collaboratives) provide important personnel, money, resources, or training in support of this QI project *This question is required.
Totally Agree65Neither Agree Nor Disagree32Totally DisagreeDon't Know N/A
37. A specific event prompted the launch of this QI project *This question is required.