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Alchemer Quota Copy Tool v2

Copy quotas between surveys in same account *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid number format.
Data center
  • What does this tool do?   Copies logic quotas between surveys.
  • What is not copied? 
    • Overall Quota
    • What should occur when a logic quota is full (ex: a URL Redirect)
  • How do I use it?  Enter Source and Destination survey IDs and the API key for the source and (optional) destination accounts.  The Destination survey must be a copy of the Source survey with matching question IDs for the quotas.
  • Where is my API key?  After your admin creates your API key, see Avatar > Your API Key
  • Is my API key safe?  Yes, your API key is removed from this survey response when you submit the last page. 
  • Can I prefill the API fields with my API key?  Yes, use the URL below filling in your token and secret (note: the "&" sign typically between your token and secret is replaced with "%26"):*****%26api_token_secret=*****
  • Can I get a copy of this survey in my account?  Yes, contact  You can then enter your API key as the Default Value so you don't need to keep typing it.