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Withdraw from Central/Leave of Absence

This form is to be used

- when a student is withdrawing from all classes and will not be enrolled for the upcoming term


- when a student is completing all the enrolled courses this term and will not register for the next term

Please consult the Academic Catalog & Student Handbook for polices about withdrawing from Central and taking a leave of absence, including tuition costs.

NOTE:  F-1 students who withdraw from all classes without approval of Reduced Course Load will have their I-20 terminated. 
1. I wish to view this form in Korean. *This question is required.
2. Student Information *This question is required.
2. Student Information (Korean) *This question is required.
2. Please indicate the nature of your withdraw/LOA: *This question is required.
2. 어떤 목적으로 이 양식을 작성하는지 보기에서 골라 알려주십시오.  Please indicate the nature of your withdraw/LOA: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
2. Select all reasons for withdraw or leave of absence: *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
2. 휴학하는 이유를 쓰십시오. Select all reasons for withdraw or leave of absence: *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
2. I am aware of the policies regarding withdraw or leave of absence and understand the academic and/or financial obligations of this change. *This question is required.
Signature of
2. I am aware of the policies regarding withdraw or leave of absence and understand the academic and/or financial obligations of this change.
수강신청 철회 및 휴학계 제출과 관련된 규정들을 알고 있고 그로 인한 학업상, 금전적 책임에 대해서도 잘 이해하고 있습니다.  *This question is required.
Signature of