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EOI - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

EOI - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

Please record your contact details. 
Please ensure you use your legal name and current email address as this is what will be used in the official communication and documentation.
1. Your Details.   Please use your legal name and current email address, as this is what will be used in corresponding with you. 
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Are you able to physically perform at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR on a firm surface on the floor *This question is required.

You are not eligible to proceed with your application
This course is via a blended learning delivery, where you will complete the learning & unit quizzes online first, followed by a face-to-face practical day. Do you have access to a computer, and the ability to access a Moodle platform where you will be provided with instructions to read study guides & complete requires quizzes? (Please note – it is a requirement to complete all required online theory & quizzes before attending the practical assessment)
  *This question is required.

You are not eligible to proceed with your application