In this survey, you will be asked to evaluate a number of proposals for making changes to the way the U.S. federal government works.
We will give you some background on the issue, introduce you to some current debates, and then ask for your final recommendations. You do not need any background or previous experience in the subject.
These proposals have the following goals:
- To reduce or counterbalance the influence of big campaign donors‐‐including special interests, corporations and wealthy people‐‐on the Federal government.
- To increase the responsiveness of elected officials in Washington to the interests and views of the American people.
Whether or not these goals are important, as well as the specifics of the proposals have sparked considerable debate in Congress and elsewhere for a variety of reasons.
First, we are going to consider some proposals that have the goal of reducing or counterbalancing the influence of big campaign donors—including special interests, corporations and wealthy people—on the Federal government.