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Joint Research to Prevent Blindness & American Academy of Ophthalmology Award for IRIS Registry Research 2025


The American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS® Registry (Intelligent Research In Sight) is the largest single-specialty medical database in the world (learn more about IRIS Registry). Latest IRIS Registry participation numbers show that there are: -

  • 15,037 physicians contracted to integrate with electronic health records from 2,792 practices
  • 649.0 million patient visits
  • 78.8 million unique patients

The IRIS Registry is a unique resource for the evaluation of critical questions in ophthalmology. IRIS Registry contains data on the following disease conditions to provide a few specific examples:

  •          The rate of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery; the visual outcome of patients with endophthalmitis; and specific risk factors associated with developing endophthalmitis.
    • The rate of endophthalmitis after anti-VEGF injections across different agents, and the comparative effectiveness of these agents based on visual acuity outcomes.
    • The prevalence of myopic choroidal neovascularization in the United States, based on both diagnostic code information and clinical data.
    • The treatment patterns for patients with myopic choroidal neovascularization, including the visual acuity outcomes for those treated and those not treated
Please see for the full list of publications to date
2. Principal Investigator
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3. RPB and the Academy are committed to diversity, and, if relevant, encourages applicants to self-identify as an underrepresented minority as defined by the NIH (, if applicable.  This information is totally voluntary. 
5. Contact person (if different from PI)