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Request a Free Medication Mailback Envelope

Due to a transition in shipping partners, the medication mail back bags may take longer than normal to arrive. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Medication mail-back envelopes are a safe, secure and easy way to get rid of unwanted or unused medication. Medication in its original container or in a sealed bag is placed inside the preaddressed envelope and mailed off to be destroyed. Envelopes are not opened before they are destroyed.

Each 8x11 inch envelope holds up to 8 ounces, no more than 4 oz of liquid (sealed separately) of unwanted or unused medicine. Be sure to mark out your name and any personally identifiable information on any labeling. If you are sending back more than 8 ounces of medication, submit a new order form for each additional envelope you need. Please allow for up to two weeks to receive envelopes in the mail.

Home healthcare professionals providing services to homebound residents may request a mail-back envelope on their behalf.

Medications in any dosage form are allowed in the envelope including prescription patches and ointments, pet medications and vitamins. 


  • Do Not mail syringes or sharps in this envelope.
  • Do Not include aerosols, including inhalers.
  • Do Not include illegal drugs.
The Vermont Department of Health is providing Vermonters with a resource to dispose of any unwanted medication they have laying around the home.
To receive a free, pre-paid envelope in the mail, please fill out the form below and click "Submit."


* Indicates required field
(only available in Vermont)
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid email address.
Number of Envelopes You Are Requesting (limit 3 per order) *This question is required.
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