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Permission to Use the ProQOL

Thank you for your interest in using the Professional Quality of Life Measure (ProQOL). Please share the following information with us to obtain permission to use the measure:
Please provide your contact information:
This question requires a valid email address.
In what language/s do you plan to use the ProQOL? 

Listed here are the languages in which the ProQOL is currently available (see If you wish to use a language not listed here, please select "Other" and specify which language/s. *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
The ProQOL measure may be freely copied and used, without individualized permission from the ProQOL office, as long as:
  1. You credit The Center for Victims of Torture and provide a link to;
  2. It is not sold; and
  3. No changes are made, other than creating or using a translation, and/or replacing "[helper]" with a more specific term such as "nurse."

Note that the following situations are acceptable:
  • You can reformat the ProQOL, including putting it in a virtual format
  • You can use the ProQOL as part of work you are paid to do, such as at a training: you just cannot sell the measure itself
Does your use of the ProQOL abide by the three criteria listed above? (If yes, you are free to use the ProQOL immediately upon submitting this form. If not, the ProQOL office will be in contact in order to establish your permission to use the measure.) *This question is required.