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AAWCC Application

This question requires a valid email address.
How did you find out about AAWCC-MC? *This question is required.
Please select the event(s) you are interested in helping with this year: 
Membership dues in the MC-AAWCC Chapter and National Chapter are $50. It is easy to join AAWCC-MC! There are three payment options:

I. PayPal:

AAWCC QR Code for Paypal

  1. Using your cell phone, scan the QR code above or type into your browser to access the payment page.  
  2. If you are new to PayPal, set up an account; otherwise, simply login.
  3. Follow the prompts to enter $50 for payment and submit. In the Note field, add the following: First and last name, AAWCC-MC, FY25.

II. Zelle:
AAWCC QR Code for Zelle

  1. Using your cell phone, scan the QR code above or type into your browser to access the payment page.  
  2. Click “Start Search” to select your bank from the list. If your bank is listed, follow the provided instructions.
  3. If your bank is not listed, you will need to download the Zelle app or choose another payment option.
III. Pay by check or money order
Make checks/money orders payable to AAWCC-MC and put FY’25 membership dues in the memo section. Please mail the check/money order to:
American Association for Women in Community Colleges 
Montgomery College Chapter (AAWCC-MC)
P.O. Box 7262
Gaithersburg, MD 20898

Once your application has been processed, you will receive an email confirmation with receipt.

Please email if you have any questions/experience any difficulties with making payment.

AAWCC-MC is EAP eligible for reimbursement:

1.    Complete a spend authorization in Workday. 
2.    After your spend authorization is approved, complete an expense report
3.    View a tutorial here
4.    Email to request an invoice.