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Safe Shelter Collaborative: Application

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application. The information you share helps us understand if the Safe Shelter Collaborative is a good fit for your organization.
1. What is your organization type? Note: The Safe Shelter Collaborative is open to qualified U.S. based organizations only. (If you are outside the U.S., please check out our parent organization TechSoup for other services open to organizations outside the U.S.)
  *This question is required.
3. Your contact information *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
4. What is your organization's mailing address?  *This question is required.
6. Does your organization provide:  *This question is required.
7. What population does your agency currently serve?  *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
8. If your agency provides sheltering services, how many total beds do you have?  *This question is required.
9. Are you interested in using the Safe Shelter Collaborative to
  • Locate available shelter space with other agencies in my area*
Note: This service is currently active in Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, Northern California/Central Valley, Southern California, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Texas. If you are not located in one of these areas, you may still select "Yes," and we will send you updates as we expand this service to new regions. We are actively adding new regions. *This question is required.
10. Are you interested in using the Safe Shelter Collaborative to:
  •  Help source funding for hotel rooms when a shelter bed is not available.
Note: If you choose to use this service, your agency name will be included in the list of shelters visible in the SafeNight app that potential donors can select from to receive alerts for hotel funding. This service is only available to organizations that are able to receive tax exempt donations. *This question is required.
11. Who will be the primary Safe Shelter Collaborative administrator in your organization? (You can update this response later, if needed.) *This question is required.
13. Are you interested in learning more about our parent organization TechSoup and their program to provide donated and discounted technology to nonprofits? *