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SL 21 Model School Library Nomination

Library of Michigan 21st Century School Libraries (SL 21)

SL 21 Model School Library Program Nomination
2025/2026 Program Year

The Library of Michigan is looking for quality school library programs to serve as models for the Michigan K-12 school library community. Each year, a school library program is highlighted as the Model School Library Program of the Year. The expectations for the selected school library are that the staff are willing to meet with other school library staff during their term as the Model library to help promote and encourage quality K-12 school library programs across the state. As of 2025/2026, schools can nominate a single school library or a district's school libraries as a group. Michigan has great school libraries and school librarians. Help us promote our school libraries by nominating one!
1. Are you nominating a school library in an individual building or a district's school libraries as a group? *This question is required.
2. Does your school library or district's school libraries currently hold Exemplary status in the Library of Michigan SL 21 School Library program? *This question is required.
3. Does your school library or district's school libraries each have a librarian that meets the state standards?

Michigan's standards are a teaching certificate and an ND endorsement for Middle School and High School Libraries or an all subjects endorsement for Elementary School libraries. The criteria for the Model School Library program requires an ND endorsement at High School and Middle School level and an ND endorsement is preferred for an Elementary School Library program. District nominations may have a librarian overseeing more than one building, but no less than .5 FTE at any building. *This question is required.
4. Are the school librarian(s) full-time or part-time within a single building? The criteria for the Model School Library program requires full time at a High School and full time is preferred at the Middle School and Elementary School levels. The minimum FTE for Middle Schools and Elementary Schools is .5. *This question is required.
5. Do your school library program(s) have a documented curriculum? *This question is required.If yes, please describe the library curriculum in the comments box.
6. Do your school library program(s) allow for collaborative teaching with classroom teachers? *This question is required.If yes, please describe your collaborative teaching efforts in the comments box.
7. Are your school library(s) engaged with the community, such as working with the local public library or other community groups?If yes, please describe your community engagement efforts in the comments box.
8. School Library Building and Staff contact information. If nominating a district, please list a contact person for the school library staff and include a list of all school librarians in the attachments.  *This question is required.
9. School Principal or Administrator Contact Information. If nominating a district, please list the administrator that has oversight over the district school librarians and include a list of the building principals in an attachment. *This question is required.
10. Nominator's contact information if nomination is not being submitted by the school librarian of the nominated library.
12. Nomination Documentation.

Additional information, such as articles, commendations, curriculum, documentation of collaborative teaching and/or community engagement, is recommended for a nomination. If this is a district nomination, please include a list of district school librarians and building principals with name, title, building(s), and email address. Please upload materials as a single PDF. Title the PDF as MODEL SL 21 LIBRARY NOMINATION - NAME OF SCHOOL LIBRARY.