Library of Michigan 21st Century School Libraries (SL 21)
SL 21 Model School Library Program Nomination
2025/2026 Program Year
The Library of Michigan is looking for quality school library programs to serve as models for the Michigan K-12 school library community. Each year, a school library program is highlighted as the Model School Library Program of the Year. The expectations for the selected school library are that the staff are willing to meet with other school library staff during their term as the Model library to help promote and encourage quality K-12 school library programs across the state. As of 2025/2026, schools can nominate a single school library or a district's school libraries as a group. Michigan has great school libraries and school librarians. Help us promote our school libraries by nominating one!
12. Nomination Documentation.
Additional information, such as articles, commendations, curriculum, documentation of collaborative teaching and/or community engagement, is recommended for a nomination. If this is a district nomination, please include a list of district school librarians and building principals with name, title, building(s), and email address. Please upload materials as a single PDF. Title the PDF as MODEL SL 21 LIBRARY NOMINATION - NAME OF SCHOOL LIBRARY.