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DCPC School Climate Survey - Hollandale

Do NOT include your name on this survey. The answers you give will be kept private. No one will know what you write. Answer the questions based on what you really do. Completing the survey is voluntary. Whether you answer the questions will not affect your grade in this class. If you are not comfortable answering a question, just leave it blank. The questions that ask about your background will be used only to describe the types of students completing this survey. The information will not be used to find out your name. No names will ever be reported. Make sure to read every question. When you are finished, follow the instructions of the person giving you the survey.
This question requires a valid number format.
2. In what grade are you? *This question is required.
3. Are you...
4. What is your race or origin?
5. Which of the following best describes your family situation?
6. What is the language you use the most at home?
7. Have you ever spent time in foster care?
8. Have you ever spent time in a juvenile detention center ("juvy")?
The next set of questions will ask you about physical fitness and healthy eating habits:
9. During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? (Add up all the time you spent in any kind of physical activity that increased your heart rate and made you breathe hard some of the time.) *This question is required.
10. During the past 7 days, how many times did you drink 100% fruit juices such as orange juice, apple juice, or grape juice? (Do not count punch, Kool-Aid, sports drinks, or other fruit-flavored drinks.) *This question is required.
11. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat fruit? (Do not count fruit juice.) *This question is required.
12. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat a green salad? *This question is required.
13. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat potatoes? (Do not count french fries, fried potatoes, or potato chips.) *This question is required.
14. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat carrots? *This question is required.
15. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat other vegetables? *This question is required.
The next set of questions will ask you about your school.
16. This school is a safe place for students. *This question is required.
17. I am safe traveling to and from school. *This question is required.
The next set of questions will ask about access to internet and computing devices at home and at school.
18. During a typical week, I have access to the internet at home in the following ways (select all that apply): *This question is required.
19. During a typical week, I have access to the internet at school in the following ways (select all that apply): *This question is required.
During the past 30 days, how often did you:
20. Carry a weapon such as a gun, knife or club on school property? *This question is required.
21. How many days did you not go to school because you felt you would be unsafe at school or on your way to or from school? *This question is required.
During the past 12 months:
22. How many times were you in a physical fight on school property? *This question is required.
23. How many times did someone you were dating or going out with force you to do sexual things that you did not want to do? (Count such things as kissing, touching, or being physically forced to have sexual intercourse.)
24. How many times did someone you were dating or going out with physically hurt you on purpose? (Count such things as being hit, slammed into something, or injured with an object or weapon.)
25. Did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities?
26. Did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide?
27. Did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide?
28. How many times did you actually attempt suicide?
29. If you attempted suicide, did any attempt result in an injury, poisoning or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse?