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Graduate Status Survey

Why does Motlow College need information on my employment?

As part of the College’s accreditation and state reporting requirements, data on the satisfaction of employers with Motlow College graduates must be collected and reported. The names of individuals are NEVER released and individual employment information is NEVER discussed in this process.  Providing accurate and complete information on your employer is critical as it supplies the necessary employer contacts to survey for their overall satisfaction with Motlow graduates.

Thank you for taking time to complete this form in its entirety.
1. Your Contact Information *This question is required.
3. Your Address: *This question is required.
4. Degree Information: *This question is required.
Graduation Date:
Degree Type:
5. Please select any status that currently applies to you: *This question is required.
Current Employment  *This question is required.
6. Did you achieve your educational objective at Motlow?
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the nursing education you received.
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedN/A
7. What is the likelihood that you would recommend Motlow to your friends, family, and others?