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Blackboard Supplemental Course Request Form

Beginning with the Fall 2015 semester, all credit courses (including development courses) will automatically receive a Blackboard course shell. This eliminates the need for faculty to request supplemental sites for Fall 2015 and beyond.

WD&CE faculty will continue to use the form to request supplemental sites.

Also note that MyMC Course Tools will no longer be available. Thank you.

Request for a site to supplement your course (Web Enhanced courses)

In order for us to process your request you must complete every section of the form marked with an asterisk. Requests will have a Blackboard site created. Use the TAB key to move between fields and click on submit when you have completed the form.

NOTE: Please do not combine requests for multiple semesters. Fill out a separate supplemental request site form for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Contact Information:
This question requires a valid email address.
Create a site for:

For example
COURSE (e.g. ENGL101)
CRN (e.g. 21394)
COURSE TITLE (e.g. Introduction to College Writing )
SEMESTER (e.g. Fall)
YEAR (e.g. 2015)
Please make sure the information you have provided above is correct before clicking on the Submit button below.