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Youth Epi-Pen Quiz

Watch the following video as part of your training & complete the quiz (6/6 must be achieved, 100%correct).

Username: MCyouthprograms
Password: MCepipen4
If you are having difficulty opening this link, try copying and pasting the link into a new window in your browser. You will need to type your username and password to access the video.


1. Signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis may include:
2. Anaphylaxis may be caused by:
3. The initial symptoms of anaphylaxis may occur within a few seconds after exposure.
4. The Epinephrine (Epi-pen) auto-injector: *This question is required.
5. How long should you hold the epi-pen auto injector in place after administering? *This question is required.
6. You must call an ambulance even if you administer the Epi-pen auto injector. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.