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Request to update Pharmacy Details


This Questionnaire should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

To avoid any interruption in trading at full capacity, it is important that you provide advanced notice – preferably no less than 7 days advance
If notice is less than 7 days there may be some impact on your business until the changes have been applied

We require you to complete this as thoroughly as possible.
If you have any questions regarding this, use the Comments field (at the end of this questionnaire).

There are some links that you should review if they are relevant to your requirements for completing this questionnaire

eRx - Do you need to register or register for eRx  - eRx Registration
Change of Ownership / eHealth requirements - Change of Pharmacy Ownership

To navigate:
  • Press TAB to move through fields.
  • Press Shift+TAB to move backwards.
  • Click Next to go to the next page.
  • Click Back to go to the previous page.
Tip: If you need to pause while filling in this questionnaire, click Save and continue survey later (at the top of each page).