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This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
13. Entity Type *This question is required.
18. Products and Services & Suggested Prices *This question is required.
19. Target Markets: *This question is required.
22. From what Funding Source are you requesting Investment Capital or a Loan?
  *This question is required.
24. Annual Revenue the last 3 years: *This question is required.
25. Projected Revenue for the next 5 years: *This question is required.
26. Are current Financial Statements Available? (Profit and Loss; Cash Flow; Balance Sheet) *This question is required.
27. Have Tax Returns been filed (last 3 years)?  *This question is required.
28. Place an “X” next to any additional items that you have already fully prepared.
34. If applicable, has the Funder shared specific information they would like to be provided to assist them in making their decision?
36. Please provide a minimum of 3 days and times that are most convenient for you to schedule a time to review your “Business Plan/Investor Proposal” Questionnaire? *This question is required.