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IFLA cross-border preservation survey


Through this survey, IFLA seeks to better understand how copyright affects international preservation work, how those engaged with it think about copyright, and the challenges they face. It may take 5 minutes to complete.

The information received will be used to produce a report and for advocacy work. Your answers will be anonymised unless further agreement has been obtained. They may be identified by region. Otherwise, IFLA's data protection policy applies. 

If you are interested in talking further, we would be interested in hearing from you! Please fill in your e-mail at the end of the survey.

Please contact with further questions.

Thank you for your participation!
2. Does your preservation work have a cross-border element? This could include, amongst other things, the sharing of materials (physically or digitally) to carry out preservation work, digitisation networks, partnerships to share expertise, or the creation of digital libraries or other shared collections. 

Are you involved in any formal international preservation partnerships or projects?

3. Do you feel you or your institution would benefit from more cross-border collaborations on preservation work?
4. To what extent is copyright a consideration or concern in cross-border preservation activities in which you participate?
5. How confident are you in your organization's understanding of copyright considerations for preservation projects?
6. Do you avoid preserving material not in the public domain out of copyright concerns?