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NPS - Retail

Please complete this survey for a chance to win a free year of Cora products.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. How likely are you to promote Cora to a friend or colleague? *This question is required.
4. Which Cora product or subscription did you most recently purchase?  Select all that apply.
5. Where do you typically purchase Cora?
  • * This question is required.
6. Where do you typically purchase your period care products?
  • * This question is required.
7. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with your Cora purchase?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery SatisfiedNot applicable
8. How did you hear about Cora (select all)?
9. How would you describe your typical menstrual flow? 
How many days does your period typically last?
How many tampons/pads do you use per day during a typical period?
How would you rate the intensity of your period symptoms (cramps, PMS, bloating, moodiness, etc)?
Do you use maxi pads?
I would prefer to...
10. How important is it to you to buy organic/natural household and personal care products? 
11. How important is it to you to buy products from mission-driven brands that give back to the world? 
12. What is the most important factor for you in choosing a period care product/brand? (Select top 2 choices)
13. Of the product categories listed below, which would you be MOST interested in purchasing from Cora?
Within this category, which products would you be most interested in?  Select your top 2 choices. 
  • * This question is required.
Within this category, which products would you be most interested in?  Select your top 2 choices. 
Within this category, which products would you be most interested in?  Select your top choice.
Within this category, which products would you be most interested in?  Select your top 2 choices.
14. How old are you?
15. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
16. Do you have any children?
17. What is your household income?
Thanks for your feedback!